
Показано дописи з міткою "Повелитель мух"

William Golding "Lord of the Flies": Formation and Degradation of the Major Characters

Эссе на английском языке на тему "Становление и Деградация Главных Героев" (по мотивам романа  Уильяма Голдинга "Повелитель мух")   Lord of the Flies is on its surface a simple story, but the depth of its characterizations and the extent to which it deals with the most pressing problems of man and civilization have opened the story up to a wide variety of interpretations. William Golding once said that in writing Lord of the Flies he aimed to trace society’s flaws back to their source in human nature. By leaving a group of English schoolboys to fend for themselves on a remote jungle island, Golding creates a kind of human nature laboratory in order to examine what happens when the constraints of civilization vanish and raw human nature takes over. In Lord of the Flies, Golding argues that human nature, free from the constraints of society, draws people away from reason toward savagery. The makeshift civilization the boys form in Lord of the Flies collapses und